
Peering details

Path: weretis.net
Accept from: XYZ-out.news.weretis.net
Feed to: XYZ-in.news.weretis.net
XYZ will be specific for each peer
Location: Falkenstein, Saxony, Germany and Ashburn, Virginia, USA
Connectivity via: AS24940 and AS213230
Software: Linux 6.1, INN 2.7.1, Cleanfeed
Contact: <usenet@weretis.net>
Abuse: <abuse@weretis.net>
Misc: IPv6 available, submitting to top1000.org
Hierarchies: All except binaries
Article size: < 262144 bytes

Peering policy

We are always looking for new peers. There are only a few conditions which you should meet:

Peering configuration examples